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The models for privacy engineering interest group promotes the use, creation and sharing of privacy models (1) as a common language for descriptive capabilities, (2) as an information sharing tool for prescriptive capabilities. Activities will include

  • Creating of awareness on privacy models, through collaborations with other communities (e.g., IAPP, ISACA, CPDP, EclipseCon, and initiatives (e.g., LINDDUN, NIST privacy framework)
  • Contributing to privacy engineering roadmaps on the integration of practices based on privacy models. It can include topics such as governance and policies, privacy capabilities, privacy compliance.
  • Contributing to privacy engineering standards on the integration of practices based on privacy models.
  • Issuing recommendations for information sharing of privacy models and solutions while taking into account IPR restrictions

It is not in the scope of the interest group to develop specific models, nor to operate a privacy model repository.